It all started when we were looking for a little something extra for our sexy samba costumes. Saavy consumers that we are, also known as thrifty, we desired something quick, easy and fun to stuff our bras… a sweet little something on the side to make us feel Large and In Charge.
What we found were cold, heavy, and almost shameful sorts of inserts… far from the cheerful gals that we are. On went the lightbulb! It was up to us to make something Bigger, Brighter and Better to bring out the sexy in all of us. If there is one thing that Dartmouth and UCLA had taught us, it was to think outside the box..... and, in our case, inside the bra. Friends couldn't wait. We couldn’t keep enough bras stuffed. They all wanted our Scoops to Up their Cups.
But really, the seed wasn’t planted there. Cofounders Annabelle Abba Brownell and Betsy Heafitz have always had Big Dreams. Not of undergoing plastic surgery or altering what momma gave us, but a simple Over-the-Counter Boob Job… a Boost When You Need It, you might say. Whether you're 20, 40, 60 or whatever your age is - you can bring out whatever you've been blessed with - no surgery, washable, and in a fun array of colors to match your outfit, your mood, YOU!
You see, Double Scoop isn’t just about Instant Cleavage, although that is always a boon. It’s about feeling your best, because when you feel good, you look good baby – from the inside out. We’re here to Boost your Morale, and your bust line. So here we go, hoping to Change the World, Two Scoops at a Time.